
Energy Balance Flow Sheet of Crude Benzol Hydro Refining Process

Crude Benzol which is contains benzene,toluene,xylene mainly is hydro refined by addition of hydrogen which is represented in the energy balance flow sheet of the process plant
Important equipment used in Hydro refining of crude Benzol:
  • Stage evaporator
  • Pre-reactor 
  • Main reactor 
  • Stripping column 
The energy balance of the above equipment:

Stage evaporator:
The input to the stage evaporator: Recycle gas, Crude benzol.
Output :   Crude benzol vapors, Residue.

Inlet temperature of Crude Benzol                                                           = 1600c
Outlet temperature of Crude Benzol vapor                                              = 1800c
Inlet temp recycle gas                                                                               = 1600c
Outlet temperature of RC gas                                                                   = 1800c
Input mass flow rate of Crude Benzol                                                     = 60tons / day
Output mass flow rate of Crude Benzol vapor and rc gas                       = 58tons/day
Input mass flow rate of RC gas                                                                = 2 tons / day
Out mass flow rate of residue                                                                   = 4tons / day

hydrogen  in :
H = Q = mCpdt
             = 2X265.649X (433-298) X1000
             =8628.5 KJ/day     
hydrogen gas out  :
H = Q = mCpdt
             = 2X267.1613X(453-298)  
              =9961.5 KJ/day
benzene  in :
H = Q = mCpdt
       = 0.75x60x1000x820.58(433-298)
       =598989.656 KJ/day
benzene  out :
H = Q = mCpdt
            = 0.75X56X1000X840.206(453-298)
             =657324.9 KJ/day
toluene in:
H = Q = mCpdt
             =154763.05 KJ/day
toluene out :
 H = Q = mCpdt
             =20109.198 KJ/day
xs fraction in :
H = Q = mCpdt   
             =  0.05X60X1000X1293.17X(433-298)
              =123646.86 KJ/day
xs fraction out:
H = Q = mCpdt
           =68907.86 KJ/day

Balance on impurities :
oxygen in :
H = Q = mCpdt 
             =2467.11 KJ/day

 oxygen out :
H = Q = mCpdt
            =2656.189 KJ/day
nitrogen in : 
H = Q = mCp dt
            =4829.24 KJ/day
nitrogen out :
 H = Q= mCpdt
sulfur in :
 H = Q = mCpdt
             = 0.03X60X1000X289.4(433-298)
sulfur out :
H = Q = mCpdt
ENERGY IN = 901783.7KJ/day
ENERGY OUT = 892436.2kj/day