
Three types of Multivibrators

There are 3 types of multivibrators,
1. Bistable multivibrators
2. Monostable multivibrators
3. Astable multivibrators

Bistable multivibrators (BMV):

This multivibrator has two stable states and has no quasi-states; BMV can stay in one of the stable states for the indefinite amount of time until it is triggered to make the transition to another state. In the state, it stays permanently until it triggered for reverse transition and used as flip-flop divided by 2 counters.

Monostable multivibrators (MMV):

This multivibrator has one stable state and has one quasi-state; MMV when triggered properly, makes the transition to quasi-stable stable and remains there for certain period decided by external timing RC values and then it reverts to original stable state without any trigger and used in timing circuits pulse stretcher, pulse train generation etc.

Astable multivibrators (AMV):

This multivibrator has no stable states, it has two quasi-stable states, AMV oscillates between two quasi-stable states without any external triggers. The amount of time it stays in each quasi-stable is decided by external timing RC values and used in clocking applications, square wave generators etc.