
How to remove scale formation in water pipes, used in House utility

Pipes which are used regularly in-house utility are made of PVC, Galvanized steel or even alloy metals, for using water at various location these pipes are inbuilt during the construction of house, they may pass around a circuit from a header tank to all the taps, but we come across a problem of less pressure water and even face situation of chocking in the pipe which so the water do not flow sufficiently. When we use groundwater for our utilities, it contains some salts which are dissolved in it, during course of time these salts starts to deposit on the surface of the pipe which they flow along with the water, in most cases pipes which are exposed to sun will make high deposition of this scale and decrease the diameter of the pipe leading to poor performance. The scale has the composition of calcite which is formed from calcium carbonate present in the water.

scale formation inside the pipe

Scale formation
in the Pipe

We call a plumber and spend huge money for maintenance and repair works. Rather we can do a simple stuff which costs very less and easy to clean the pipes. By using hydrochloric acid mixed with the water we can remove the scale formation in the pipe. The cost of dilute HCl is less and it doesn’t harm much when compared with other chemicals, all safety precaution should be followed and but this can be used for PVC pipes only, not for metal pipes there are some other chemicals used as per the material of construction of pipe. Based on the scale composition there are effective chemicals which can easily dissolve and remove the scale from pipe surface, for example, calcium carbonate scales can be dissolved by using 5 - 10% HCl  dilute solution, calcium sulphate scales can be dissolved by adding EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid), with which they form soluble complex and the quantity depend on the amount of scale deposited lets take for scale of 1 mm thickness it takes 2- 5% solution of EDTA.
To remove scale formation in the water pipe made of PVC just mix some HCl in the water storage tank and circulate the water for 1 hr so that it dissolves all the scale and clean the pipe. By doing this you save money and time and increase the life time of water circuit system. Finally, after cleaning, drain all the water and fill the water tank with fresh water now circulate it so that it removes the traces of HCl and make you piping system ready for the regular use. You can check the pH with litmus paper and make sure it appears to 7 which is a neutral condition and safe to use.