
Bin Blender Applications

When solid particles of different particles sizes are to be mixed to a uniform composition it is achieved by using bin blenders. Non-sticky materials are not preferred while best results are achieved for free-flowing dry powders. The hydraulic system is used to rotate and lift the bin from the ground. Pharmaceutical companies frequently use this equipment for blending bulk drugs to obtain required specifications of the product's materials. Around 50 to 60 percent of the total capacity of bin benders is considered for the accurate operation.

Bin blender is installed as cone shape is faced towards the ground, on the upper section it consists of a manhole, and charge hole for charging the feed and bottom of the bin is provided with a butterfly valve to discharge the material after blending. In clean room operation, bin blenders are given the first order of preference. The main disadvantage is due to its batch-wise operation condition. After charging the material, the bin is lifted on to the support of the rotor which rotates the bin for prescribed time schedule as the operation completes bin is repositioned for discharging the bulk product.
Validation trails are conducted for every specific material to have the consistency of the homogeneous mixing and to derive the time required for obtaining the standard specifications.
bin blender equipment
Hydraulic bin blender 360-degree rotation system