
Water Filter Essential for Purification of Drinking Water

Drinking water should be free from disease-causing bacteria and toxic chemical which harm the human body. World health organization gave standards for water so that it can be tested and used for drinking purpose. In the world, most of the children lose their life due to polluted drinking water. Water which available in the form of groundwater or surface water are the sources of drinking water for populated cities, now in the present situation we are polluting these water sources, and even due to contamination of groundwater with the wastewater produced from industries and cities lead to growth of bacteria and viruses which harm the human body. The well known and dangerous disease diarrhoea, cholera, jaundice etc affect the lives of children which are caused by drinking water. Drinking water is the main source of diseases. Water contains chemoheterotroph type of bacteria mostly.

To protect our self and to have safe drinking water we can use water filter which mostly helps use by filtering out the pollutants. Before choosing a water filter one should gain enough knowledge which is most essential, to be on the safe side, because all filter is not equal and do not work in same fashion. For each type of raw water based on the constituent present in it, a particular water filter will work efficiently, because in the world there is no commercial filter which can work with 100 % efficiency to filter any type of water. 

Filters main components are carbon pad, UV- chamber, micron filter chamber, chlorinator and water polisher. These are minimum components a water filter should contain to give a healthy drinking water. So before you buy a water filter or purifier please go through this component are present are not. Along with these now a new advanced filter is in the market but their effects are still in test and even cost more.

In general, if you have groundwater facility and this water contains physical impurities and no bacterial substance than you go for a filter which as a cotton and carbon pad, 0.3-micron filter, chlorinator with a water polisher. Chlorinator dissolves the chlorine in the water for disinfection and forms a ClO- as the oxidizing agent. Remember to clean your filter chamber for every 2 months to prevent bacterial growth and mostly all the part which store water should be of stainless steel not with plastic.

Let's see the impurities which are to be removed from the water and discuss methods used to obtain safe drinking water:

1. Hardness impurities which are the dissolved salts of calcium and magnesium
Temporary or carbonate hardness: which is said in that the water which contains calcium and magnesium bicarbonate, and these can be reduced by boiling to precipitate insoluble carbonate. This treatment forms sediment at bottom of the container.

Permanent or non-carbonate hardness: the same calcium and magnesium but with sulphates and chlorides from a permanent hardness in water. These can be removed by chemical reaction or ion exchange

2. Other water impurities
Gases- air, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide
Insoluble matter causing turbidity
Soluble colour compounds
Pathogenic organisms

Nitrification and De-nitrification process are used for effective removal of nitrogen in any type of water.