
CAD Design of Ammonium Sulphate Saturator

saturator working principle and cad design detail diagram where ammonium sulphate is formed by the reaction of sulphuric acid and ammonia


Coke oven gas after primer cooling and purification from tar & naphthalene In pcg & esp is delivered under the temperature of 50- 60 through the pre-heater to saturator. Heating of C.O. gas enters the pre-heaters ensures the normal water balance in saturators.

The C.O. enters the saturator by the main gas inlet and passes through the bubbler hood which consists of 20 radically the bubbler hood which consists of 20 racially positioned element of shape.Bubbling through mother liquor C.O. gas passes element that sets from only one side of the bubbling that sets up an intensive organized movement of the mother liquor over the circumstances towards the periphery.

Mother liquor acidity of the saturator bath is automatically maintained within 4-5% with the help of the pH- meter station & control valve and adding the concentrated sulphuric acid to the saturator and by constant feeding 6-8% acidified mother liquor solution from the liquor tanks.

To ensure a good reaction of which is C.O .gas with sulphuric acid which is in mother liquor, the bubbler hood is submerged in the mother liquor by 190-250 mm. ammonium bisulphate is firmed by reaction

NH3 + H2SO4 → (NH4)2SO4

This ammonia bisulphate is converted into ammonium sulphate (NH4)2SO4 Heat is given off while forming ammonium sulphate from the saturator, the gas flows into the direction to the bottom gas main leading to the F.G.C., to benzol section and then to consumers. From the acid trap the gas in the acid trap is continuously from gas in the acid trap is continuously delivered to the circulating pan through the pipe, the end of which is submerged into the seal pot to prevent forming of acid neutral zones in the saturator bath, to achieve the better condition of crystals growth and to reduce gas /ammonia losses, it is necessary to keep the mother liquor inside the saturation under through mixing. The mother liquor is mixing by the C.O gas passing through the bubbler hood and bubbling in the upper layer of the mother liquor and hence settling this into circular motion. Nitrogen which is admitted to provide vertical motion of the mother liquor that ensures favourable condition for the crystal growth:

The circulating is pumping which is pumping it from the circulating pan to the conical part the saturator.